Come on it is sorbet ! yes a 5 year old can make it . yes !. Well I ran into some problems, my biggest issue is I don't have a blender, I only have a stick blender. And I am not sure that even had I had a nice blender would I have run into the same issue anyway .My second issue was using the frozen mixed berries which I should of used just the raspberries and wouldn't of run into the issues in the first place .so this turned out to be quite an arm breaking little exercise , but it turned out perfect in the end .After blending it all I had gritty bits in it from the other berries so the whole thing had to be hand sieved so that I ended up with a really smooth sorbet. But next time I will use just raspberries and save myself a whole heap of bother .So this is really easy, you can't stuff it up.
What you need:
What you need:
500g pack of frozen raspberries or (mixed berries, which may involve extra work haha)
3/4 cup of castor sugar
zest and juice of 2 limes
What to do:
3/4 cup of castor sugar
zest and juice of 2 limes
What to do:
Blend until smooth, takes about 5 or 6 minutes
Pour into a freezer container and place in freezer for at least 5 hours until frozen , but overnight is best.
I found it to be a little on the sweet side, so I served it with some ice cream.
Pour into a freezer container and place in freezer for at least 5 hours until frozen , but overnight is best.
I found it to be a little on the sweet side, so I served it with some ice cream.
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