My Daily Kickstart

My Daily kickstart: 
Now that summer is approaching and I would love to lose some weight I decided to pull my old juicer out and give it a whirl, and admit it who doesn't love a good juice. The reason I don't do it more often though is:, People say it is easy to eat healthy, well I just think that is poppycock, I think it is very expensive especially in Australia where the price of fruit and vege is out the roof and anything supposedly healthy for you the price is triple, being on a pension with about 50 a fortnight for food, believe me it doesn't go far at all , so I have a bit of a dilemma. So I got to thinking how to make the most out of this juicing thing without wasting anything ?. Well I have come up with a few ideas, lucky for me I have a dog that eats just about anything he is like a little garbage disposal and most of the time he eats better than me .Anyway I went and did some shopping and got a bunch of fruit and vege , only what is in season though .I love carrot juice and carrots are the same price all year round so I always have a good supply of them in the crisper. You can use whatever you want in your juice keeping in mind though that the pulp will be used also. of which I will be adding a couple recipes for also .OK so the basic juice is this:This is just for one person.

I have this in the morning after my coffee's Wash all your veges and fruit. seriously ,you would be surprised how many people don't
3 medium carrots
1 apple (cored and quartered)
2 sticks of celery
beetroot ( I just use the tin beetroot, the juice is actually good for you as well as adding some sweetness to the juice)
a little ginger (about 1/2 a teaspoon)
broccoli stalks and all
squeeze of lemon juice
whiz it through the juicer and enjoy

freeze it and add it to stocks or soups
But I have dogs that will eat just about anything ,
so I squeeze it in little balls they love it !
Make vegetable burgers and patties out of it
My Kickstart Juice
